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王悦存 教授

西安交通大学-日立公司-西北有色金属研究院研发中心 副主任




【科研成果与项目】近年在Science、Nature Mater.、Nature Commun.等国际顶级期刊发表论文多篇,部分研究工作被Science、Nature Mater.专题报道,授权/申请发明专利11项,一项专利实现成果转化(转让100 万元)。主持国家自然科学基金面上和青年项目、国家重点研发智能传感器专项子课题、2项省部级课题、3项百万级横向课题等(目前承担的课题总经费600余万元)。

【荣誉与学术兼职】入选2023年度中国青年女科学家奖未来女科学家计划(全国共10人)、王宽诚基金会青年学者,获陕西省自然科学一等奖、国际国内材料领域顶尖会议优秀论文一等奖、海报金奖等。担任全国材料与器件科学家智库电子与光电子材料专家委员会委员,中国材料研究学会分析与表征分会常务理事、副秘书长,Information & Functional Materials 期刊青年编委。






1. Y.C. Wang, J. Ding, Z. Fan, et al. Tension–compression asymmetry in amorphous silicon, Nature Materials, (2021)

2. T. R. Wei*, M. Jin*, Y.C. Wang*, et al. Exceptional plasticity in the bulk single-crystalline van der Waals semiconductor InSe, Science, (2020).

3. Y.C. Wang, Wang X, Ding J, Liang B., Zuo L., Zheng S., Huang L., Xu W., Fan C., Duan Z., Jia C., Zheng R., Liu Z., Zhang W., Li J., Ma E., Shan Z., Inward motion of diamond nanoparticles inside an iron crystal[J]. Nature Communications, 2024, 15(1): 4659.

4. Jieling Tan, Hanyi Zhang, Xiaozhe Wang, Y. C. Wang*, Jiang-Jing Wang*, Hangming Zhang, En Ma, Wei Zhang*. Deformable monoclinic gallium telluride with high in-plane structural anisotropy. Materials Today, 2024.

5. Wei Xu, Jinhua Yu, Jun Ding, Yunna Guo, Lei Deng, Liqiang Zhang, Xiaoxuan Wan, Shaochuan Zheng, Y. C. Wang*, Zhiwei Shan*. Uniting Ultrahigh Plasticity with Near-Theoretical Strength in Submicron-Scale Si via Surface Healing[J], Adv. Fun. Mater. 2024, 202404694.

6. Y.C. Wang, Beiming Liang, Shuigang Xu et al., Tunable anelasticity in amorphous Si nanowires, Nano Letters (2020).

7. Y.C. Wang, Boyu Liu, Xin'ai Zhao, et al. Turning native or corroded Mg surface into anti-corrosion coating in excited CO2, Nature Communications, (2018).

8. Y.C. Wang, Lin Tian, Meng Li, et al. Significant “smaller is softer”in amorphous silicon via irradiation-mediated surface modification, Journal of Materials Science & Technology (2023).

9. Y.C. Wang, M Li, Y. Q. Yang, et al. In-situ surface transformation of magnesium to protect against oxidation at elevated temperatures, Journal of Materials Science & Technology (2020).

10. Y.C. Wang, Boyu Liu, Zhiwei Shan. Design of the Magnesium Composite with High Corrosion Resistance and High Deformability, Magnesium Technology (2020).

11. Yuecun Wang; Lin Tian; Fan Liu, et al. Helium ion microscope fabrication causing changes in the structure and mechanical behavior of silicon micropillars, Small, 2017.

12. X.D. Wang; Jieling Tan; Jian Ouyang et al. Designing Inorganic Semiconductors with Cold‐Rolling Processability, Advanced Science, 2022.

13. Zhiqiang Gao; Tian-Ran Wei; Tingting Deng; Pengfei Qiu; Wei Xu; Yuecun Wang; Lidong Chen; Xun Shi; High-throughput screening of 2D van der Waals crystals with plastic deformability,

Nature Communications, 2022.

14. Y.C. Wang, Zhang, W., Wang, L. Y., Zhuang, Z., Ma, E., Li, J., & Shan, Z. W. In situ TEM study of deformation-induced crystalline-to-amorphous transition in silicon. NPG Asia Materials (2016).

15. Y. C. Wang, D. G. Xie, X. H. Ning, Z. W. Shan. Thermal treatment-induced ductile-to-brittle transition of submicron-sized Si pillars fabricated by focused ion beam. Applied Physics Letters, 106(8), 081905, (2015).

16. L.Q. Zhang*, Y.C. Wang*, D.G. Xie*, Y.S. Tang, C.Y. Wu, L.S. Cui, Y.F. Li, X.H. Ning, Z.W. Shan. In situ transmission electron microscopy study of the electrochemical sodiation process for a single CuO nanowire electrode. RSC Advances,6(14), 11441-11445, (2016).

17. Y. Q. Yang, Yuecun Wang, H. H. Lu et al. Significant mechanical softening of copper under coupled electric and magnetic stimuli (2023).

18. Zhang, Liqiang*, Yushu Tang*, Y.C. Wang*, et al. In situ TEM observing structural transitions of MoS2 upon sodium insertion and extraction." RSC Advances 6, no. 98: 96035-96038, (2016).

19. L. Yang, T. Dai, Y. C. Wang, D. G. Xie, R. L. Narayana, J. Li, X. H. Ning, Chestnut-like SnO2/C nanocomposites with enhanced lithium ion storage properties, Nano Energy, 30,885–891 (2016).

20. L.Q. Zhang, Y.S Tang, Q.M. Peng, T.T. Yang, Q.N. Liu, Y.C. Wang, Y.F. Li, C.C. Du, Y. Sun, L.S. Cui, F. Yang, Z.W. Shan, J.Y. Huang. “Ceramic Nanowelding”, Nature Communications, (2018).

21. Li, Clara Yuan, Mingshuai Ding, Yang Yang, Pengcheng Zhang, Yao Li, Y.C. Wang, Longchao Huang et al. "Portrait and Classification of Individual Haze Particulates." Journal of Environmental Protection, 7, no. 10: 1355, (2016).

22. He, Yihui, Wanqi Jie, Yadong Xu, Y.C. Wang et al. "Dislocation-mediated coupling mechanism between the microstructural defects and Te inclusions in CdZnTe single crystals." Scripta Materialia 82: 17-20, (2014).

23. Luo, X., J. W. Li, X. K. Huo, Y. C. Wang, Y. Q. Yang, X. R. Wang, and W. Zhang. "New lightweight mirror billet: connection of γ-TiAl and K9 glass with Ti6Al4V foil as interlayer." Materials Science and Technology 29, no. 2: 250-254, (2013).

24. Sun, L., Cao, Y., Ding, H., Y. C. Wang*, Ma, Q., Hua, K.*, & Wang, H. Fabrication of composite coatings containing in-situ reacted Ti2AlC/Ti2AlN MAX phases by laser cladding and investigation of fretting wear mechanism. Ceramics International, 50(20), 39138-39149 (2024).

25. Sun, L., Wang, X., Cao, Y., Y. C. Wang*, Ma, Q., Wu, H., & Wang, H.. High-temperature fretting wear behavior and microstructure stability of a laser-cladding Ti-Al-CN composite coating meditated by variable cycle conditions. Tribology International, 201, 110224, (2024).


上一篇:章效锋 教授









